Can you see a difference?

Here is a picture from 2 weeks ago and one from this morning -- I haven't looked at them side-by-side myself to see if there's a difference in belly size. The one in the black shirt is at 34 weeks and some days, and the white shirt is from this morning, 36 weeks and 5 days.

I don't know if I can see a difference - let me know if you can! :)

I didn't go to work today because I was up nearly all night long - finally at around 4 I called in and left a message that I wouldn't be in, hoping that would give me permission to stop worrying about not sleeping, and actually fall asleep -- nope. I was up until about 5. I figure it's my body's chance to get me used to strange sleep patterns, and familar with the late night TV line up.

Sometimes at work, I have such baby on the brain, I feel like I did when I was in highschool and had a crush on someone -- what are they doing now? will I see them in the hall? should i call him?, etc. know the deal. But instead my brain is filled with... when will he come? what will he look like? will we be ok? how will the birth work out? will my feet ever look normal again?
So I guess, I'm really doing my work a favor by not dragging my sorry sleepy self in, only to have baby brain + sleepy brain.
Tonight I will subject the children at the YMCA to see a 9 month pregnant lady in swimsuit, in the hopes that a little swimming might help bring on sleep.

Here are some pictures of Victor's room to enjoy :)


how cute! i love it! i cant wait for victor to come!


8/15/2005 9:17 PM  

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