As we approach the final hours of 2007, it's a good time to think a little about the coming year. Soon the clean slate of a new year will arrive - and it's a great time to make some commitments for the next 12 months. Ideas to guide my actions - my inner compass setting for the next 12 months.
Of course there are so many cool things people are doing - from living plastic free for a year, taking a self-portrait everyday, reading 2-3 books a week, living off the grid - the list of interesting and noble commitments goes on and on. I've been giving this some thought -so here's my commitments --
1. No book buying in 2008 -- I have to read what I have. I have entire bookcases that are my to be read (TBR) books. A couple things to know -- I can purchase a book for book club if it's not available at the library and I can check books out from the library. I will save all my read books and bring them in at the start of 2009 for an awesome visit to the used bookstore.
2. 52 week gratitude journal -- I will photograph one thing (at least) that I am thankful for and collect them into a journal. I want to be sure I realize how fortunate I am because it's easy to gloss over and take for granted so many awesome parts of life. I love the idea of the self-portrait everyday - but I want to commit to something I can achieve - so once a week - I can handle that. Look for gratitude related posts!
3. GO -- I want this word to guide many of my actions -- I want to get out there - be active - I want to act more and think about it less. I want to work fitness into my life -- regularly. I know that focusing on losing weight will frustrate me - but focusing on fitness -- on GOING! -- I think I'll be able to feel better about myself if I focus on fitness and activity. GO! can be a part of my life in other ways too -- like going to events, the movies, getting out there. GO! do -- GO! create -- GO! walk -- GO! listen -- GO!
4. Election 2008 - This will be an important year for our country - like all elections there are so many possibilities, so much potential. I want to GO! and support a candidate - in the primary season Obama is our pick and as the year goes on and it becomes clear who will run - I want to volunteer for a campaign - a local, state or national Candide.
5. Learn -- I'm going to continue in my Master's program (3 classes this year), so I hope there will be some learning there...But I also want to learn about photography more - it doesn't have to be formal or official but I want to understand more. In this same vein I want to share what I know too -- which helps me learn or realize what I know
6. be a good wife, mother & friend.
7. Laugh -- a lot and often --try not to take life and myself too seriously.
I've been working on this post since...last year :) I know these are things I can work on and achieve. I believe they will enrich my life and hopefully develop some inner and outer self things.
You GO, girl! Nice post.
sarah said...
1/01/2008 9:27 PM
All very wonderful goals; best of luck to you on achieving them. You can do it!
Here via the CHBM collaboration.
Anonymous said...
1/02/2008 8:45 PM
I LOVE your goals. Love them. Not buying any more books, the gratitude journal, GO! . . . all excellent. Found you via CHBM - really nice blog. I'll be back.
Kimberly said...
1/03/2008 9:14 AM
These are great. I am actually gonna steal your gratitude journal idea, hope you dont mind. Yay for a healthy Victor!
Leah said...
1/18/2008 8:04 PM