Chad Darnell, a screen-writer in California started this project 12 of 12 -- where you take 12 pictures on the 12th of the month (and maybe add an unexpected 13th just 'cause). You can read more about it here...
Here's my try for September 12th.
Didn't start in bed..please...but rather once we started the day
setting the coffee down as we buckle the little guy in
Ready to roll
7:21 am
8:13am....rolling in right on time.......
Cleaning my cup & straw I keep at my desk.
Cleaning my cup & straw I keep at my desk.
11:55am -- Getting ready to mail things out for Soldier's Angels.

12:50 pm - Having lunch with Felecia

4:30 pm -- taking care of circulation

5:45 pm -- picked up Victor, headed to the baby-grandma exchange so I can get in a quick workout

9:00pm - Night night trains. Victor is asleep and I'm going to write my paper about library ethics.

Around 10:30 -- finished....but better download some music overnight!

10:37 pm - up to bed to read & visit with the nightowl toddler

Edited to add: Sorry about the formating issues --- every time I get it right in the edit screen - but when it's published, it turns out wrong. Next month we'll have to figure out a better way to share the pictures so the text doesn't go all over the place. arg.
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Great 12 of 12
Your little boy is a cutie
and i loved the pic with the list and the glasses !
Poun said...
9/14/2007 7:50 PM
Great pics! :) Welcome!
Anonymous said...
9/15/2007 4:23 PM
Try uploading your photos to Photobucket, and then using the tag (listed with each photo) which is for Blogs (begins [a href=, only with < not [). Then just type and hit "enter" as normal for line breaks.
Took me a while to get it right too, but not the spacing problems you've had - mine was with the amount of space between photos.
Helen (12 of 12er, Devon)
Dogeared said...
9/16/2007 11:51 AM