Next time I'll feed him...

I've worked hard on judgement, not judging other mothers & myself too harshly -- thinking 'Bad moment not bad mother' when I see someone having a hard time with their bambinos. I know I've had moments that after it happens I think, 'Dang, that wasn't my best moment' -- you learn and move on...

So the other night -- I'm having dinner with Felecia & Kevin, for his birthday. We try a Mexican place people have liked (me no likee). I know that Victor can be messy. Since he had a new white t-shirt, I took it off, put on his bib and let him have his order of Mexican rice. Well, the southern belle mother's group must have been having dinner near-by, because on their way out, a coiffed mom stood all of 3 feet from me and exclaimed "Oh!! She's feeding him RICE!!!" as if it were akin to ground glass. I don't think I can capture the blue-blooded, southern accent for you here but she did repeat her shock to several of her friends. Yes, there was rice on the floor. Maybe even near her pedicured toes. Yes, there was rice in his hair, where most food travels at some point during the self-feeding experience. Of course, it was after that I thought of all the snappy things I could say - like, later he's having his very own 40 of Boone's too! But alas, the moment is gone....and the snappy responses will have to be filed away for a later date. But if our paths should cross again, I'll be sure to order the RICE!!!


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