Crazy Hip Blog...what?

Now that I am an official member (yaa hoo, I'm a member of something!) of the Crazy Hip Blog Mamas blog community, I am going to take part in the collaborative writing prompts they are sharing -- the first being what does it mean to a crazy, hip, blog mama?

A CHBM is someone who steals away 1, 5, 10 minutes of time to post something to the blog.
A CHBM thinks - oh, I should write about that.... - but may promptly forget all about it when a diaper bomb goes off, later spends way to much time wondering 'what was that I wanted to write about'
A CHBM checks out other Mama blogs while pumping at work
A CHBM finds that blogging is a frugal past time!
This CHBM wishes she took more writing classes in college and a hidden bank account with the tuition to go get a MFA in Children's Book writing
Being a CHBM, I get inspired by other mothers, laugh at the adventure we're all in, and know that I am certainly not alone in all of this. This gives me a chance to laugh at myself sometimes too -- which is always a good thing!


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