Kicking it Toddler Style

These days Victor is on the move -- if we let him out (release...parolle...) him from the stroller -- he's running. In any direction and long as he can run. So we've been finding more kid friendly places to spend a morning. We went to the Greensboro Children's Museum yesterday -- and it was a blast! Every where and any where he could go, touch, climb and explore -- what a treat it was for us all. He could run ahead of us without my getting worried he would get lost. He could climb into the mail truck or sit in the pilots seat in an airplane -- there was so much to do! As an adult you sometimes forget the magic that places that like hold for kids -- it's all so simple but for little guys, it's exploration bliss for sure. For parents, it's a morning where they can snatch converstations here and there while keeping an eye on the rovers out of the heat, out of the house and get a chance to see a great big group of kids and see they are all pretty normal after all.
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