It's a Big Old Goofy World

Victor is now 9 months old (by a few days) - he weighs 19 lbs 5 oz, and is 26 inches long - he's growing and doing well. I really enjoy our doctor - I feel like he respects my opinions and my parenting concerns/worries & overall style. He's never dismissed my questions or answered with that 'duh' tone. Some of the older doctors in the practice don't have this gift.
Today, he figured he would give Yuri the coolest Father's Day gift by pulling himself up to standing at the coffee table for the first time. He was so pleased with himself! He didn't fall sraight back like he had in the past when we stood him up. The movement games are here for real.

We had our Vermont buddy Lynn here for the weekend - it is was so fun to share our boy with someone - you get to see him through new eyes and understand him in new ways. We may have run her a little too much, and she gave really helpful feedback that we had worn her out. This has made me think that maybe we need to be sure to have more quiet time in our lives. Like with so many things in life, you aren't aware of lots of things until someone points it out.

Later this week I'll fly solo to California with Victor - send good flying vibes my way. He's been a good flyer in the past - but I don't want to say it too loud because I might jinx myself. I'll be visiting my hometown & my grandparents. It should be interesting - there are always good Grandpa stories. I'll be sure to jot them down because I'll be internet-less for the time I'm there - maybe I'll sneak to the library!


Good insights about running too hard! I remember being a college student studying abroad and learning that it was actually exhausting just to BE in another culture speaking another language. I guess that's kind of the same phenomenon we are going through - immersed in the new "country" of Parentland. We do indeed need downtime, just to process all the new data we're taking in. You're going to have a blast visiting "home" and introducing Victor. I look forward to the stories.

6/21/2006 5:58 AM  

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